Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445


Year 4 Teaching Staff 2023/2024


Miss Stokes Mrs Taylor Mr Benson



Mrs Griffin Mrs Baker Mrs Dennison Mrs Newton



Year 4 PE will be on Monday afternoons 

In Y4 this week we have been thinking about what sculpture is. We have looked at artist Robert Morris's Bodyspacemotionthings exhibit at the Tate. We've looked at some pieces by the sculptor Sir Antony Caro (who helped design London Millenium footbridge). We've discussed and looked at some of his abstract art. The children experimented on their own, in pairs and in larger groups, trying out different joining techniques, such as: fold, twist, tie, slot, tabs, glue. They have made drawings from their 3D models looking for positive and negative space, before making big, abstract sculptures like Anthony Caro did. Caro liked to use colour to bring all the forms together in a sculpture, so the children added texture and colour to their sculptures to unite the different shapes. They've had a lot of fun! Here are some photos of their work.

Year 4 have been exploring our wildlife areas and little woods this morning (Monday 15th April) for our new science topic on habitats. They have enjoyed finding the wealth of creatures (slugs, snails, woodlice, ants, spiders, birds, pond skaters, worms, water snails, so many more bugs we need to find out their names!) and looking carefully at what living conditions suit them.

Year 4 World Book Day Celebrations!

In Science in Year 4 we have been making circuits and carrying out investigations. We have made a steady hand game with a buzzer, tested different materials to  find which are electrical conductors and insulators and tested what affects the brightness of a bulb.

Y4 had a wonderful Tudor experience Wednesday afternoon with some of the "Company Of Merrie Folke". The children were able to quiz Henry VIII and Queen Catherine about life in Tudor times and discover some new fun facts. They were able to handle lots of artefacts, tried on Tudor clothes, armor, chainmail, held swords, a long bow, handled furs and lucky Tudor charms. They could nibble cheese tarts (so smelly) and root (liquorice), though only the brave tried Tudor cold remedies! They won’t mind going to the modern-day dentist or doctor now and won't forget Tudor remedies of mouse droppings to rot a tooth out or snail slime for healing wounds in a hurry! They even learnt a Tudor dance. Hopefully you've heard all about the fun they had, here are some photos from their experience.

In Art this week the children have been able to experiment with different grades of pencil achieving variations in tone, carefully mixing water colours and making their own Tudor portrait. 

Christmas 2023

Shared learning Christmas Day with Year 2 and Year 4.

In Year 4 we have been learning a range of school subjects and playing games/quizzes to help us remember them. We've used sentence builders and practiced our French pronunciation saying which school subjects we like and dislike!

Year 4 Kicked of our Christmas productions with their version of It's Chriiistmas. Both performances were outstanding. Well done to the children and staff of Year 4!

Kindness week in Year 4. 4CS read Kindness is my Superpower and each child wrote a random act of kindness on a post-it note and tried to do it over the week. 4MB made an iMovie all about what kindness means to them and 4LT shared our Shout out Book where children have been spotted for acts of kindness, then made posters and poems.

In Year 4 we had a special virtual reality experience today. We've travelled around the world linked to our Geography topic. We've been to France and up the Eiffel tower; zoomed to Australia and passed by the Sydney Opera House then flew to New York and climbed the Empire State building! We experienced some of the seven wonders on the world we have been studying in class - walked along the Great Wall of China, then saw Christ the Redeemer in Brazil and finally the Taj Mahal in India. We've talked about continents and capital cities, famous landmarks and quizzed about them. The winning team got to choose our final destination - under the sea

Year 4 Have had a great start to the day celebrating TT Rock Stars

In History this week we have been looking at The Battle of Marathon. We have ordered the key events. Looked at some causes and consequences of the battle and why the Athenian's managed to beat the Persian's even though they were greatly out numbered. Here we are role playing the key events in the battle.

In Y4 we are looking at place value in a variety of ways and what each digit is worth.

In Y4 our Science topic is sound. We have been investigating how sound travels. Last week we tried lots of mini investigations and this week will plan one in more detail.

In year 4 we have been doing maths outside today. We have been practicing round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 and learning the high 5 rule to help us.

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