Each academic year clubs are allocated from scratch to start in September (usually the 2nd or 3rd week back). The information on each club will be on the website. You will be sent a google form to complete at the end of the previous term which will give you the choices for your child's year group. Please fill in this form and submit it. Any choices submitted after the submission date won't be considered in the first allocation but you will get a space if one is available. If you are allocated a space on a club then you will keep this space for the year for most clubs. Some clubs only run for a term (e.g. cricket) and you will be sent information at the relevant time in the year. Do let us know if you no longer want your space as this can be given to another child.
Any allocated club will be added to your SCOPAY account. If you have not paid for the club by the time of the first session it will be assumed that you do not want the space. Children in receipt of Pupil Premium receive one free club per term.
Staff run clubs will usually run for 10 weeks each term (split over 2 half terms). External clubs will run the full set of sessions or provide a refund/make up a class for any that need to be cancelled. Staff run clubs may not run every week if the member of staff is not available and we cannot cover the session. The £5 payment for staff run clubs is an administration fee.
Please note that applying for a club will not guarantee a place. Clubs spaces are allocated blind each year, meaning if you had a space in a club last year you are no more or less likely to get one this year. We do our very best to ensure children are allocated at least one club and there is no limit to the number of clubs your child can attend if there are spaces.
If your child would like to be added to a club part way through a year then do email as there may be a space or they can be added to the waiting list.
Some clubs will be cancelled in bad weather if we don't have space to bring the children inside - we will text you to let you know as soon as we make the decision.
Please email with any queries
Available Clubs (Spring 2025):
Year 1
Football with PFA - Monday until 4.05pm (£27.50). Please come to school in PE kit & trainers and bring football boots and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Colouring with Mrs Thacker - Monday lunchtime (£5)
Dance with Mrs Hodgson - Tuesday 8am (£25). Starting after October half term. Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. KS1 hall - please drop off at the main office.
Construction with Mrs Ovenden & Miss Tillett - Wednesday lunchtime (£5)
Year 2
Tennis with Rayleigh Tennis Academy – Monday 8am (block booking for the term which equates to £5 per session). Please email for a space. Please come into school wearing PE kit and trainers but bring your uniform.
Football with PFA - Monday until 4.05pm (£27.50). Please come to school in PE kit & trainers and bring football boots and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Colouring with Mrs Thacker - Monday lunchtime (£5)
Dance with Mrs Gillett – Wednesday 8am (£25). Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. KS1 hall - please drop off at the main office.
Construction with Mrs Ovenden & Miss Tillett - Wednesday lunchtime (£5)
Choir with Mrs Marshall – Thursdays 8.15am (£5). KS1 hall - please drop off at the main office.
Year 3
Tennis with Rayleigh Tennis Academy – Tuesday 8am (block booking for the term which equates to £5 per session). Please email for a space. Please come into school wearing PE kit and trainers but bring your uniform.
Choir with Mrs Tunbridge - Tuesday lunchtime. This club is by invitation only. Mrs Tunbridge will have a meeting with the children in September and they will be able to register their interest then.
Drawing with Mrs Rubio & Mrs Bellinger - Wednesday lunchtime (£5)
Karate - Wednesday until 4.15pm. Please email to pay and book a space. Please collect your child from the Sports Hall.
Football with PFA - Wednesday until 4.15pm (£27.50). Please bring in PE kit, football boots, trainers and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Dance with Mrs Gillett – Thursday 8am (£25). Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. Sports hall - please drop off at the main office.
Geography with Mrs Taylor - Friday lunchtime (£5)
Drama with IDA - Friday until 4.15pm. Please email for details or to book a space. Please collect your child from the main office entrance.
Year 4
Languages with Mrs Fenn in 6EF - Monday until 4pm (£5).
Tennis with Rayleigh Tennis Academy – Tuesday 8am (block booking for the term which equates to £5 per session). Please email for a space. Please come into school wearing PE kit and trainers but bring your uniform.
Choir with Mrs Tunbridge - Tuesday lunchtime. This club is by invitation only. Mrs Tunbridge will have a meeting with the children in September and they will be able to register their interest then.
Karate - Wednesday until 4.15pm. Please email to book a space. Please collect your child from the Sports Hall.
Football with PFA - Wednesday until 4.15pm (£27.50). Please bring in PE kit, football boots, trainers and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Dance with Mrs Hodgson – Friday 8am (£25). Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. Sports Hall - please wait outside the KS2 gates.
Geography with Mrs Taylor - Friday lunchtime (£5)
Drama with IDA - Friday until 4.15pm. Please email for details or to book a space. Please collect your child from the main office entrance.
Year 5
Languages with Mrs Fenn - Monday until 4pm in 6EF (£5).
Guitar Club with Mrs Chase – Tuesday 8am (£5). For beginners, you will need your own guitar (¾ size is best; if you need to get one, these can often be found second hand on ebay/marketplace or are available on sites like Amazon). Please drop off at KS2 Hall entrance.
Choir with Mrs Snoxall - Tuesday lunchtime. This club is by invitation only. Please ask your child to register their interest with Mrs Snoxall directly in September.
Netball with Miss Francis and Miss Taylor (£5) – Tuesday until 4pm. Please bring in PE kit and trainers. This club is by invitation only following trials.
Dance with Mrs Hodgson – Wednesday 8am (£25). Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. Sports Hall - please wait outside the KS2 gates.
Karate - Wednesday until 4.15pm. Please email to book a space. Please collect your child from the Sports Hall.
11+ Club with Mr Green - Thursday 8am (£5) at the main office.
Geography with Mrs Taylor - Friday lunchtime (£5)
Football with PFA – Friday until 4.15pm (£27.50). Please bring in PE kit, football boots, trainers and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Drama with IDA - Friday until 4.15pm. Please email for details or to book a space. Please collect your child from the main office entrance.
Year 6
Languages with Mrs Fenn - Monday until 4pm in 6EF (£5).
Netball with Miss Francis and Miss Taylor (£5) – Tuesday until 4pm. Please bring in PE kit and trainers. This club is by invitation only following trials.
Choir with Mrs Snoxall - Tuesday lunchtime 12.20. This club is by invitation only. Please ask your child to register their interest with Mrs Snoxall directly in September.
Drama Club with Mr Pascoe - Wednesday lunchtime 12.20 in the Sports Hall (£5).
Karate - Wednesday until 4.15pm. Please email to book a space. Please collect from the Sports Hall.
Dance with Mrs Hodgson – Thursday lunchtime 12.20 (£25). Please wear trainers with uniform (shorts underneath if wearing a skirt/dress) and bring your school shoes. Sports Hall - please wait outside the KS2 gates.
Drama with IDA - Thursday until 4.15pm. Please email for details or to book a space. Please collect your child from the main office entrance.
Geography with Mrs Taylor - Friday lunchtime (£5)
Football with PFA – Friday until 4.15pm (£27.50). Please bring in PE kit, football boots, trainers and shin pads. This club will be outside in all weathers. Please collect your child from the school field.
Congratulations to Mr Pascoe and our Year 6 Wildlife Wardens who have been awarded the Wild Challenge Silver Award from the RSPB. The group has completed 12 challenges on the themes of experiencing and helping nature including big hunting, The Big School Birdwatch and raising money through their ‘Pumpkin Project’.