Grove Wood Number Facts Awards
Why learn table and number facts?
Why learn times tables?
Knowing the Times Tables and number facts inside out is essential for moving on easily to most other things in mathematics including division, fractions, decimals, percentages and algebra. Children who know their times tables and number facts will be able to answer questions more quickly and be able to focus on using other maths strategies in more complex problems rather than being slowed down by the multiplication. Knowing number facts can also increase confidence levels as this part of the question is not a struggle. They also play a vital role in everyday life.
Our Number Facts Challenges
This year the number facts challenges will run exactly the same as last year, except in KS1, where each times table will be revised for longer.
The awards are as follows:
Rainbow awards
- Red: Add and subtract 1
- Orange: Add and subtract to 5
- Yellow: Add and subtract to 10
- Green: Number bonds to 10
- Blue: Number bonds to 20
- Indigo: Doubles to 10
- Violet: Add and subtract 10
Times tables awards
- Copper: Multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10
- Bronze: Multiply and divide by 3, 4 and 8
- Silver: Multiply and divide by 6, 7 and 9
- Gold: Multiply and divide by 11 and 12
Platinum award – once children have competed the times tables awards, they will remain on Platinum award to revise the times tables and ensure these are embedded and recall is rapid and automatic. Once they reach Year 5, they will move on to the Number Facts awards.
Number facts awards – from Year 5 onwards
- Ruby – x10, 100, 1000; x 10,100, 1000 with decimals; using number facts to times and divide e.g. 30 x 4 =
- Emerald –Multiply and divide by 15 and 20, fractions of numbers
- Sapphire – Converting between fractions and decimals, percentages of numbers, converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, calculations involving decimals (+-)
- Kryptonite – A mixture of all number facts. Award for each 2 tests successfully completed.
For each number fact the children will complete tests with a time limit and must get full marks to receive a stamp on their record book.
Certificates will be awarded for each level reached.
Revisiting Number Facts
At the end of each term the children will complete a revision test containing questions on number facts they have already mastered. This will allow teachers to identify any areas in which the children are becoming a little rusty. The following 2 weeks will be spent revising these number facts, before the children return to the challenge where they left off. This is to ensure previously learnt facts are not forgotten.
How to support your child
Learning times tables is valuable and children can learn them in many different ways. The school website contains tips and guidance on helping your child learn their number facts, as well as example questions and games. You can find all these resources on this page.
Don’t forget we also have a subscription to Times Tables Rockstars and NumBots and your child will have been given a login for one of these.
Example questions and links to online games website maths
Resources to support children at home
Tables fun pack - ideas for learning