Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445


NEWS - march 2025

World Book Day celebrations are in full swing - staff, children and visitors are all taking part!

We have a new arrival at our school!!!

The Art Crew have been hard at work looking through all 145 entries for our Waddle on Sea competition  - results will be announced on World Book Day! 

Year 2 had a fantastic time walking to Rayleigh Library, where they had a focus session led by the Children's Librarian looking and browsing books!

Week commencing 20/1 Years 2,3,4,5 and 6 took part in the dance festival. They all worked so hard in the build up to this performance and each produced an amazing routine. Well done all of you! 

Grove's Remarkable Refills, the eco-friendly shop set up by our talented Year 5 and 6 students had great fun with their first 'Pop up shop' of the year, last Thursday 23/1!

On Thursday 23/1, Y6 has had two special visitors. Two community police liaison officers, from Essex Police district council, have been speaking to the children about behaviour and what is considered to be antisocial and ALL the groups of people who are affected. We've had lots of good discussions about what is and isn't acceptable; a variety of crimes; how we feel and how our actions can make others feel; what we can do in difficult situations and how to extricate ourselves from them. The children were also quite surprised about the legality of certain things - such as electric scooters!

The children took part in an intense basketball tournament at Waterside. They worked well against a few tough opposing teams and got through to the final. The girls worked hard to score lots of nets while the boys worked hard defending.  The final was then taken to extra time and then penalties. The level of basketball was fantastic. Well done Grove Wood on coming second place! 

Clothes Bank totaliser - funds raised so far this academic year (Jan) 2024/2025 £243

£594 in the academic year 23/24

Thank you!

8 year 6 girls went to Deanes for a badminton tournament. They all played really well and supported each other throughout. The girls came up against some tough teams, however they dug deep, practised their shots and one of our teams came first. Well done to both teams, they all worked extremely hard! 

Yesterday's Pancake Day

was a roaring success!

PE Days

Reception - Thursday AM

Year 1 -  Friday AM

Year 2 - Tuesday AM

Year 3 - Thursday PM

Year 4 - Monday PM

Year 5 - Wednesday PM

Year 6 - Tuesday PM 

Maths and Star Writers

Stars Of The Week 28/02/2025

Stars Of The Week 13/02/2025

Stars Of The Week 07/02/2025

 The Deanes Community Bike Loan Scheme

This is an initiative in partnership with Active Essex and the Bikeability Trust, whereby The Deanes SSP has been able to create a community cycling hub with a stock of adult and junior bikes for local families to borrow free of charge.

We are ready to take bookings as from today, so contact us directly ASAP!  

We have two family open days coming up at the Essex Fire Museum:

- Tuesday 18th February 2025

-Sunday 23rd February 2025

There will be opportunities for families to get involved in history trails around the museum, spot hazards in our fire safety room, enter a haunted house, partake in craft activities and a sit on our fire engines (and squirt water

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