Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445




In Reception and Key Stage 1, we follow the Read Write Inc programme, developed by leading Literacy consultant, Ruth Miskin.  Read Write Inc is a complete literacy programme for 3-7 year olds learning to read and write.  This programme covers all aspects of the New National Curriculum for language and literacy learning.


In Reception, all children

- read story books and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge

- take home phonics books to share

- read with fluency and expression

- learn to spell using known sounds

- write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first

- work well with a partner

 Maths and phonics workshop 2021.

By Christmas in Year 2, children are accurate and speedy readers, ready for the exciting challenges of English in Year 2 and beyond.  Any children who may still require some support in their phonics, are provided with additional input until they are fully ready to move on.

All teachers in the Reception and Key Stage 1 teams are fully trained in Read Write Inc; this ensures a fully cohesive approach to the teaching of reading and writing and a smooth transition for all children from EYFS to Year 1.

"Since we introduced Read Write Inc  in 2013, we have seen a huge rise in our phonics outcomes by the end of Year 1 with 92% of our children passing the Phonics Screening  Assessment in 2014."

Our Read Write Inc champions are Miss Francis and Miss Stokes.  As well as being passionate about the delivery of Read Write Inc, they are also training to become leaders within this area; meaning that they will soon be delivering training to other schools wishing to implement this highly successful programme.

If you have any questions about Read Write Inc¸ please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or our Read Write Inc champions.


"It is very important that children are taught the pure sounds when they are learning phonics and that both parents, carers, teachers and support assistants pronounce the sounds correctly."

By clicking on the following link, you will be taken to the Ruth Miskin website where several useful videos are available to view providing the correct pronunciation of the different sounds.  

Learn how to pronounce pure sounds from Set 1 Sounds through to Set 3 with 5 year-old Sylvie. 


Spelling (Transcription)

From Year 2 onwards, the children complete spelling lessons which are carefully planned by the teacher using a range of strategies and resources, including ICT. These are taught as a 15 minute spelling lesson per day and cover national curriculum objectives for Years 2 -6. The RWi speed sounds are also revised. Children who begin Year 2 on the RWi programme will complete this alongside their spelling lessons. Where necessary, specific phonic intervention is given, including the RWi ‘Fresh Start’ programme in Year 5 and 6.

Children in years 2-6 receive spelling homework weekly. This will take the form of words to learn for a spelling test or a spelling activity or game which may be on paper or online.

If you have any questions about transcription or our English programme of study at Grove Wood, please ask for Mrs Anderson, our English subject leader.

Phonics and Maths Meeting


Parents were invited to an interactive meeting about how we deliver phonics and mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage.  The power point and accompanying notes can be downloaded on the year group pages once the meetings have taken place for the year.  There are many useful links to external websites with engaging games for the children to try.



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