New Intake 2024
On behalf of the staff, governors, children and parents/carers it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our school community.
Reception Teaching Staff 2024/2025
Miss Hanrahan |
Miss McGuire |
Mrs Barnes |
Hedgehogs |
Squirrels |
Foxes |
Mrs Bysouth |
Mrs O'Brien |
Mrs Lansdowne |
Mrs O'Shea |
Mrs Kerr |
Mrs Gingell |
Mrs Dennison |
Reception PE will be on Thursday Mornings
Autumn Term Update!
'We have had such a busy half term!
We started off Autumn 2 by having a celebrations week. We enjoyed learning all about Diwali, Bonfire Night and Remembrance day. We tasted Indian food, made Diva lamps, rangoli patterns, bonfire breadsticks, learnt all about Guy Fawkes and made poppies.
During our Structured Story Time we then went on to learn about Pumpkin soup. We even tasted pumpkin soup! We have also enjoyed learning all about knights, dragons, princes and princesses. We loved our Cinderella ball and even met the lady herself! We also looked at Zog and the Flying Doctors in great detail and produced some lovely writing.
We loved reading Luna Loves Art and learning all about various artists. We created our very own Mondrian shape collages, Damien Hirst spot paintings, Van Gough ‘Sunflowers’ and Henri Rousseau ‘Surprised!’.
We have loved having our parents in to share learning with us during ‘Festive Friday’ and watching our Christmas play ‘Wriggly Nativity’.'
If you are heading to the Rayleigh Light Up event please pop into the Holy Trinity Church to see our beautiful tree, which has been decorated by the children Reception! Please vote for the best tree!
Reception have had a wonderful half term settling into their new surroundings. We have enjoyed making new friends and learning lots of new rules and routines.
Over this half term we have started to learn our sounds and looked at understanding our numbers to 10. We have participated in Structured Story Time where we have read a new book each week. We have had the opportunity to understand the moral behind the stories and learn lots of new vocabulary. In relation to our first story ‘What makes me a me’ by Ben Faulks, we painted our own self-portraits and drew items that we love around our faces.
We have also enjoyed participating in team games and learning ball skills within our PE sessions. Along with this, we have absolutely adored exploring our outdoor classroom.
We have been working hard to practice holding our pencils correctly during our fine motor sessions and working on our letter formation.
We have engaged in a variety of autumn activities including an autumn hunt on the field, exploring autumnal objects, creating seasonal artwork and identifying the changes between seasons.
We have loved our snack bar and learning how to make our own snack.
Learning in Reception
The Early Years is all about your child learning through play. Your child will spend most of their day in school accessing the continuous provision and following their own interests both indoors and outdoors. The areas within the classroom will be set up by adults who have taken into account your child's interests and next steps. The children will access these areas with support and guidance from teaching staff.
During the day, your child will take part in some short adult led activities to help them develop their learning in both prime and specific areas as well as their characteristics of learning. Although adult led, these will be fun and engaging sessions, planned with the children's interests and needs in mind. The children also have the opportunity to engage in self-led child-initiated activities, again, allowing the children to engage in all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Click on the link below to view the parent/carer's guide to the EYFS. This document directly links to the document used at school when observing and planning activities to support your child. The document is based around age bands. We would initially be working with age bands 30-50 months and 40-60 months in Reception.
Useful Links
Starting school top tips
Reception lunch ideas
SCOPAY and School Dinners
Click here for a guide explaining how to access the google classroom.