PSHE vision statement:-
At Grove Wood Primary School, it is fundamental that we aim to deliver a PSHE curriculum that provides all children with a range of everyday skills and strategies that enable them to grow, be confident and live a healthy, safe, happy, responsible and balanced lifestyle. We strive to offer a variety of curricular opportunities that enrich the children’s learning and encourage them to explore an extensive range of spiritual, moral, social, cultural and behavioural issues. Pupils are given the opportunity to respect others, appreciate differences and diversity. At Grove Wood children are exposed to learning all about the characteristics and importance of themselves and relationships, mental wellbeing, emotions, diversity and communities, managing risks, healthy lifestyles, rights, rules and responsibilities.
As a school we endeavour to ensure that all children are encouraged to create a personal understanding of their self-worth and given chances to challenge and explore a range of values and beliefs. It is essential that the PSHE curriculum provides pupils with the understanding, knowledge, attitude and skills they need, to reach their full potential as individuals and learn how to deal with the diverse views and values that society embraces.
Keeping/Staying Safe
Keeping/Staying Healthy
Being Responsible
Feelings and Emotions
Computer Safety
Our World
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