Year 4 Teaching Staff 2024/2025
Miss Stokes | Mr Benson | Mrs Fenn |
4CS | 4MB | 4EF |
Mrs Cain | Mrs Horwood | Mrs Newton | Mrs Fitzgerald |
Year 4 PE will be on Monday afternoons
World Book Day!
In Maths this week, we have been learning about perimeter in rectangles and rectilinear shapes. We used multilink to create shapes and work out the perimeters. From this we were then able to find the lengths of missing sides and use that information to work out the perimeter of the shape.
In Year 4 we have been learning about place value in maths.
We used chalk on the playground to create number lines going up in different amounts.
Year 4 have started their Christmas Festivities with their rendition of
It's Christmas!
As part of our DT learning this ½ term we have been looking at what ingredients go into our food and also at the use of preservatives in shop bought food versus not using preservatives in home cooked food. We taste tested different shop bought breads and looked at the packaging on different pizzas. Then we made our own pizzas using flour, yoghurt and water for the base and put tomato puree and cheese on the top. We also made bread rolls using flour, yeast and water to make the dough. We had to knead the dough for 10 minutes and then let it prove for an hour before we shaped them into rolls and cooked them. They were delicious!
In History we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and how and why they came to Britain.
We re-enacted the invasion!
In art we created rubbings of leaves using wax crayons and went over them with a watercolour wash.
We then created larger versions of these and filled the negative spaces with pastel and crayon patterns.